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I think it is safe to say that all of us here have probably been to a movie theatre. What do they do when you are sitting waiting for the movie to begin? They play coming attractions for us to watch. What is the purpose of the coming attractions? They are there as a teaser to make us look forward to movies that are yet to come.

Do they work? When you see them don’t you say, “I would like to see that one or this one?” Yes, they spark our interest so we are looking forward to see those movies.

This is part of the advertising plan that the movie theatres have to get people interested in the movies that are coming so the people would come back to see them later on.

This is how it turns out for us in this passage we are looking at today. Paul is laying down some coming attractions for the Thessalonian believer’s to look forward to. They are topics he is about to take up in the latter part of his letter to them. Part of his discipleship plan for them.

The first part of his letter has dealt with his love and concern for the Thessalonian believers, the defense of his ministry amongst them, his character and way of living, his desire to see them again so to supply them with what they were still lacking, vs 10. Movies available on PPV the same day as in Theatres. But why wait if he can begin to instill in them more truths of God that will build them up in the faith.

So, in these next 3 verses Paul gives some coming attractions of the things he will be teaching them in the latter part of his letter.

But he starts it out as a prayer to God, the Father and the Son, Jesus. They alone have the ability to answer his prayer and make way for him to go to see the Thessalonian believers again.

Paul knew that his plans meant nothing if they were not in line with the will of God. James 4:13-17

Notice here that Paul places Jesus at an equal stance with the Father. In his mind and according to the scripture they are one, equal in every way. John 10:30 I and the Father are one.”  Col. 1:15-20 The God-head alone has the authority to answer our prayers; no one else can give us the answers we truly need.

They did answer Paul’s prayer to be able get back to see these folks again, about 5 years later. 2 Cor. 2:13 I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I said good-by to them and went on to Macedonia. How often do we make plans and leave God and His will for us out of them? Can we wait upon the Lord for His will no matter how long it takes?

Vs 12 If you were reading this letter for the first time and having read 1:2-3, would you say that these people had a love problem, that they were lacking in Christian love? Many would say they were great examples of loving Christians. But Paul prays that they would increase in their love to over-flowing. Not just to other believers but to everyone, even to those who are persecuting them. Matt. 5:43-48

Christian love is a trait that every Christian should have, even to the overflowing. There can never be an excess of Christian love for others. This is a coming attraction for what Paul will soon begin to teach them in his letter. The picture here is of a well filling up till it over flows out of its walls bringing refreshing to others. Philemon 7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints. Is this the kind of love we have for others? When we are with them do they feel refreshed by our love and concern for them?

Do we think we have enough love now and don’t need to work on it? Are our lives a coming attraction that people can’t wait to see us again because our love is overflowing?

Vs 13 Paul asks that the Lord would strengthen these new believers in the faith. Only God can reach down into our souls and bring the strengthening we need. Phil. 2:13 The result of strengthening in the faith is to be blameless before God. Blameless, how can we a sinful people be blameless before God? We can do so by dealing with our sin as soon as God reveals it in our lives. Christ has made a way for us to be cleansed by His sanctifying death for our sin. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

When we deal honestly with our sin it will help us to be done with it. 1 Pet. 4:1-3 If we deal with our sin we will then be free of any charge against us by another person or even the Accuser himself.

Is there sin in our lives we have not dealt with yet? Are there others who could come to us and make accusation because we have not dealt with it before God?

Paul also prays that they may be holy before God when the time of judgment comes. Being holy is a separating of ourselves from the world and its desires and consecrating ourselves to God alone.

1 John 2:15-17  If people were to look at us and our lifestyles would they see people set apart for the Lord or just another worldly person?

When we are tempted by the world and its ways we need to remember that Jesus could return at any moment. If He does and we are caught up in some sin we are committing, how will we feel?

Phil. 2:14–15 Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe

Do we live this way or are we putting off what we should be doing because we figure the Lord won’t be here today so I can do what I want and then confess it and do what He wants later? Why do you think God didn’t tell us when Jesus would be back for us? 5:1-2

God knows if we knew when Jesus was returning we would put off what we should be doing to the last minute; because of the sin nature in us. But, if we don’t know, then Jesus could return this very moment and what state would He find us in, blameless and holy or in sin neck deep?

These are just the coming attractions of what Paul has to teach the Thessalonian believers and us in the next couple of chapters.

Will we take heed of them and put them into practice so we can grow in love, faith, be blameless and holy before the Lord Jesus when He returns for us?

Benediction: 1 Pet. 1:13–16  Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

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